Columbus Winter Box League


Join Resolute Lacrosse in our upcoming Winter Box League at the Resolute Athletic Complex. This high intensity training is great for improving stick skills and accuracy while forcing players to learn to make decisions on the fly. Newly acquired and highly desirable skills learned from box lacrosse translate well to the outdoor game and give players an edge on the field. The box lacrosse atmosphere cannot be duplicated, but the mechanics and skill set can be replicated on the outdoor field. We encourage players to take advantage of this opportunity to learn new techniques while also improving their game. The skill development and lacrosse IQ learned from playing this version of the game will help give you a leg up in field lacrosse. Box lacrosse is gaining much momentum and now is a great time to take advantage of the skills that can be acquired through the game. Here is an Inside Lacrosse article on why college lacrosse coaches are recruiting box players.

Winter Schedule

20 minute training/40 minute games

*Players will need to be members of the US Box Lacrosse Association to participate in the Winter Leagues. For more information and to become a member, please use this link (**Space is extremely limited.

We will only have 20 players per team and anticipate the league reaching capacity. We will do our best to place players with teammates from their school team.***Players will receive a Resolute Box jersey and be eligible to represent Resolute Lacrosse in the largest winter box tournament in the country, The Midwest Classic.

Winter Session (9 Weeks):

Cost: $275 (includes Box Lacrosse jersey)

Location: Resolute Athletic Complex

Dates & Times: Sundays, December 1st – February 9th  (*We will not have Box on 12/29 & 1/26) – Times Subject to Change

– 3rd/4th Grade: 10:00-11:00AM

– 5th/6th Grade: 10:00-11:00AM

– 7th/8th Grade: 11:00-12:00PM

– High School A: 12:00-3:00PM

– High School B: 12:00-3:00PM